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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

26-year-old Foday Swaray, commonly known as "Mukie, "  on December 26th, 2023, was stabbed to death in his right leg during a clique altercation at  a disco dance held at Potoru town,  Barri Chiefdom in  Pujehun District.

The incident, marked by a fatal stabbing, has left the community in shock and mourning while local authorities are actively investigating the matter, resulting in the untimely death of a young man.

According to eyewitness accounts, during the disco dance, the two rival clique members were suspected of having a love affair with a particular lady, which metamorphosed into a heated exchange of provocative words that eventually led to the stabbing of Foday Swaray to death.  

Upon hearing the unfortunate situation, the police swiftly visited the scene, and their investigation is underway.  Details surrounding the motive for the stabbing and the identity of the alleged perpetrator, Mohamed Konneh, is in police custody, helping them in their investigations.

Crime officer Detective Inspector Kpaka said as a law enforcement agency, they are committed to bringing the responsible individual(s) to justice and ensuring that the circumstances leading to the tragic death of Foday Swaray are thoroughly investigated.

Regent Chief of Barri Chiefdom Emmanuel Egujiama Mustapha described the event as unfortunate. The loss of Foday Swaray has sent shockwaves through the community of Potoru, leaving friends, family, and neighbors in a state of grief. He added that the deceased was known for his vibrant involvement in community activities.

Chief Mustapha condemned the incident and expressed their commitment to supporting the investigation and ensuring justice for the deceased’s family. He said they have called for calm and unity among residents during this difficult time, urging cooperation with the ongoing police investigation to bring the perpetrator(s) to account.

The incident, he added, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining peace and resolving conflicts through non-violent means. It also highlights the need for increased security measures during public gatherings and events to prevent such tragic incidents from occurring in the future.


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