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By Mohamed M. Sesay

In his nationwide address late Thursday, the 18th of January 2024, President Julius Maada Bio vehemently stated that the Humanitarian Gesture for former President Koroma to travel out of the country purposely on medical grounds does not detract from the seriousness of the ongoing trial. He reassured citizens that his government would bring to justice all those who were involved in the November 26th failed coup.

President Bio reaffirmed that the court had granted bail permission to former President Koroma to travel out of the country mainly for specialized medical reasons.

President Bio sent a strong-worded warning that his government is ready to punish any individual, group of individuals, or association caught breaking the law. ‘’The rule of law will continue to prevail,’’ he said. At the resumption of the trial of former President Koroma on January 17th, 2024, he said Former President Koroma’s Lawyers made an application to the court to permit him to leave the jurisdiction of Sierra Leone temporarily bail for specialized medical reasons. He disclosed that the Attorney General vehemently opposed the application. However, Bio continued that on the principles of separation of Powers enshrined in the 1991 constitution, he said it was a matter entirely for the court to determine.

He assured that his government would continue to engage in an open dialogue where every voice would be heard and respected.  He said while his government is determined to promote peace and unity across the country, some misguided citizens are bent on undermining the government’s efforts to disrupt the peace and tranquility of the country.

President Bio furthered that unity does not imply uniformity but rather acknowledges and celebrates the indifferences and the shared values that get citizens together as one people. He called on citizens to prioritize dialogue and understanding to foster national unity and cohesion. He added that his government had sustained the implementation of critical elements of the Mediated Dialogue, including establishing the tripartite electoral review committee and the inter-party dialogue.

President Bio added that it is only through unity that peace and harmony will be brought to all citizens. In keeping with his government’s commitment towards peace and security, President Bio intimated that in the past few days, he had met with the paramount Chiefs, the Inter-Religious Council, the Main Opposition All People’s Congress Party (APC) Parliamentary Leadership, the Chairman of the APC and the bereaved families of the eighteen gallant security Officers who lost their lives in the November 26th failed coup.

President Bio continued his engagement with each delegation and reiterated his government's commitment to promoting peaceful co-existence. He said Sierra Leone had suffered tremendous challenges throughout its history, emerging more robust each time. He said the country’s journey had been marked by resilience, determination, and a shared vision for a better tomorrow. Yet he said his administration recognizes that challenges persist, and as the country progresses, he said the path to progress must be paved with Unity.

‘Fellow Sierra Leoneans, I shared a sentiment of hope and optimism for our nation’s progress during my New Year message. My hope and optimism have been reinforced by the decisive winds the citizens have witnessed in the first two weeks of 2024. From his assumption from the United Nations Security Council seat to the re-selection of the MCC Compact, Sierra Leone is once again regaining its pride of place in the global community,’’ he said.


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