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Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Mohamed Kallon to serve as the Acting Youth Chairman for the District of Pujehun

In a Press Statement issued by the Secretary General of Pujehun District Youth Council Dennis Mohamed Dugba Swaray on the 20th of July 2022, intimated that with a unified voice, the Executive has endorsed the consultative decision made by the substantive Chairman Brima Fullah, for Mohamed Kallon to serve as the Acting Youth Chairman for the District as he (Brima Fullah) seeks Educational sojourn to the United States of America.

“The Youth Council is apolitical, governed by law with modern administrative paradigm. We wish to inform the general public that our substantive chairman Brima Fullah (Cat), has travelled to the U.S state of California for further academic studies for one year. He landed safely yesterday”, said the Secretary General.

Dennis Mohamed Dugba Swaray also disclosed that the well-thoughtful decision by Brima Fullah in appointing Mohamed Kallon as the care taker Chairman, is to avoid leadership vacuum in the District. He added that such concerted decision also aligns with necessary provisions in the National Youth Policy and other related statutory instruments which guides the operations of Youth Councils in the country. He equally disclosed that all relevant authorities have been adequately informed about the new transition.

Dennis Swaray further assured that all other existing structures of the Youth Council at District, Chiefdom and Sectional levels, remain intact until their legitimate mandates expire come 2023. The Secretary General also reassured that there is no conflict or disagreement in the decision made by the substantive Youth Chairman. He also registered their indefatigable commitment in working with the Acting Chairman Mohamed Kallon with every sincerity until their substantive leader Brima Fullah comes back.

As the Acting Chairman Mohamed Kallon assumes Office, the Secretary General concluded by admonishing all and sundry to use the District Youth Council Office for anyone intending to ask questions or seeking necessary clarifications on the aforementioned concerted transition.

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