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The Secretary General of Sierra Leone People’s Party, New England Chapter in North America, Albert Hinga Jusu has described former President Ernest Bai Koroma as an “evil genius whose contagious passion for power, crippling aversion for democracy and seemingly self-destructive unwanted celebrity status has made him the magnet for investigators.”

Speaking to this press from his residence in Boston, Massachusetts, Secretary Albert Hinga Jusu said, “it would have been a delicious scandal if the incalculably wealthy Ernest Koroma was savoring the exotic scent of Pademba Road prison.” He painted former President Ernest Koroma as a “devil incarnate who vowed to drink palm wine from the hollow of the skull of his Port Loko comrades to ensure his grip on power.”  For Secretary Albert Jusu, “Ernest Koroma is nothing but a self-perpetuating nightmare in the skin of a former president who believes he is not above the law nor below it. He is the law.” “In a normal clime,” Secretary Jusu continues “it is the dog that wags its tail. But between Ernest Koroma and President Maada Bio, it is the tail that has been wagging the dog. Maybe, with this house arrest.  the dog is now ready to wag its tail.”

Secretary Albert Jusu said the communique put out by Former President Koroma after the failed November 26 coup was “riddled with ridicule.”  He posited that “what this unruly human species failed to add was that his bodyguard Sorieba ran from the Wilberforce armory and took refuge in his compound. The patriotic soldiers working with professional efficiency chased him there and instead of surrendering himself, Sorieba put up a fight.”

Secretary Albert Jusu’s opinion is that “our enabling democratic environment has become the disabling cesspool for Ernest Koroma where his ravaging festering political sore has been a suicide tablet for President Maada Bio to swallow. We stood, arms akimbo, and watched this monster of impunity doing everything with impunity from the assassination of the LUC in Makeni to money laundering, corruption et al. If nothing personifies him as the catalyst for the coups of August 10 and November 26, the mythical bond between him and his bodyguards who are ring leaders should do that.”

“After his solitary confinement his scavengers of truth with malnourished integrity said he requested for additional security” Albert Jusu described this as a “delusion of a lunatic.”  On the mind of Secretary Albert Jusu of Boston, USA, “President Bio’s uncompromising patriotism and commitment to democracy has made him a terrifying enemy to Ernest Koroma.” Mr Jusu described President Bio as a “toughened survivor who has been through the horrors of war and the perils of struggle. This is why no evil plot to overthrow him will succeed.”

Secretary Albert Jusu concluded the call saying “Ernest Koroma, we will not drink wine from the hollow of your skull as you wished to do to your comrades from Port Loko but we will dance and celebrate your incarceration and the end of your sorrowful tale. You are an evil genius” Albert Jusu concluded.

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