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By Morlai Sesay

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday, 2nd February 2024, updated the public via a correspondence that their attention has been drawn to a notification published on social media that describes high air pollution with serious effects on human health in Sierra Leone.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is charged with the responsibility to provide more effective and efficient protection and management of the environment across Sierra Leone and to provide for other related matters across the country, informs the general public that no recent standardization has been undertaken by the institution to arrive at the purportedly identified hazardous risks by some sets of deluded individuals on social media, adding that the results of their initiatives shall be evidence-based and properly disseminated before any publication will be made.

The press statement reads, “The management and protection of our environment is a priority for promoting safe human health, our ecosystem, and investment, and we urge everyone to adopt safe environmental practices in this regard. "

The notice further reveals that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) remains devoted to maintaining environmental compliance and protecting the health and safety of all country residents.

It is further disclosed that the Agency's broad mandate is to protect and manage the environment effectively, monitor and regulate companies with EIA Licenses and illegal operations that impact the environment, and advise the Minister of Environment on all environmental matters.

Among others, "the Agency has responsibilities to ensure compliance and enforcement of environmental impact assessment procedures and pursue environmental education for the creation of public awareness-raising of the environment and its importance to the economic and social life of Sierra Leone,” they maintain.

The Agency, therefore, craved the indulgence of everybody residing in Sierra Leonean to ignore the baseless posts of some self-seeking individuals on social media, ending that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had no idea about the viral write-up going the rounds of social media.

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