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By Mohamed M. Sesay  

The ECOWAS Speaker, Rtd. Hon. Dr. Sidi Mohamed Tunis, on Tuesday, the 13th of February 2024, led a Parliamentary Diplomacy Mission on the pre-electoral Political Situation in the Republic of Segenal.

In his address, the ECOWAS Speaker intimated that the Republic of Senegal had been one of the 15 ECOWAS States since the creation of the Organization in 1975. He recalled that the country became independent on 4 April 1960 and has since been recognized as one of the most stable countries in Africa, with a democratic system that has never been shaken up by coups d'état, unlike most of the ECOWAS member states.

Hon. Tunis said one of the critical characteristics of Senegal's political landmark since independence is the regular organization of elections in a generally peaceful and transparent manner, despite the challenges inherent in pluralist and democratic systems. In addition, power change has always been managed smoothly in Senegal.

He said the presidential elections scheduled for February 25th, 2024, have been postponed. The decision is a source of tension that could lead to a deadlock and jeopardize the tradition of peace and stability needed for organizing elections under conditions of transparency and justice.

‘Faced with this situation, the Community Parliament needs to contribute to safeguarding the stability and the regional integration process, which is indeed one of the key valuable achievements on behalf of the people represented by Parliament. Therefore, on 12 and 13 February 2024, the ECOWAS Parliament undertook a parliamentary diplomacy mission to Senegal. This mission is part of its mandate, inter alia, "to contribute to the promotion of peace, security, and stability in the West African region," he said.

Providing the mission’s recommendation, the ECOWAS Speaker said at the end of its consultations, the parliamentary diplomacy mission had a better understanding of the socio-political situation in Senegal and of the actions and initiatives undertaken by the political actors to prepare for the organization of the 2024 presidential election.

Under his leadership, the ECOWAS Parliament made the following recommendations:  The parliamentary diplomacy mission urgently appeals for calm and restraint and calls on all political actors to avoid using any form of discourse that could lead to violence or create tension in the country; The parliamentary diplomacy mission invites all stakeholders to prioritize the fundamental interests of the Senegalese nation, including peace and stability as well as respect for the Constitution, the promotion of democracy, the rule of law and social cohesion; The Parliamentary Diplomacy Mission urges all socio-political actors to urgently engage in an inclusive and fraternal political dialogue involving all relevant and interested political and social stakeholders to agree on consensual solutions and create favourable conditions for the organization of open, credible, inclusive and transparent presidential elections; and The parliamentary diplomacy mission requests the ECOWAS Commission to send a joint mission of the ECOWAS Commission and the ECOWAS Parliament to Senegal as early as next week to facilitate the organization of the national political dialogue as a matter of emergency.


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