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By Morlai Sesay

The Director of IOM, Christodoulideds Christos, on Tuesday, 27th February 2024, launched the 2025-2030 strategic reflection of  IOM, which would guide IOM Sierra Leone over the next five years. This moment is not just a milestone but rather a testament to the collective commitment the nation shares in addressing the complex challenges and the many opportunities that migration brings.

With the invaluable participation of the distinguished guests and partners, Christos revealed that this journey of collaboration and innovation would shape the future of migration management in Sierra Leone. He backed his assertion by congratulating the government of Sierra Leone for launching the

Medium-Term Development by

H. E, the President, mainstreams migration and recognizes IOM’s role in migration management.

"We are also proud that the Republic of Sierra Leone has a dedicated migration policy. We believe that by actively engaging with the diverse voices of our global community, we can better understand and address the unique challenges faced by migrants and the communities and societies they

leave behind, transit through, and arrive to," he asserted.


Since IOM’s inception, Christos underscored that member states have always played a pivotal role in the governance of the IOM, contributing to its strategic direction and decision-making processes. He emphasized Member States

valuable insights, shaped policies, and offered input into their programs and initiatives.

This incredible partnership, he said, allows IOM to address emerging challenges effectively and fulfill its mandate.

to facilitate the orderly and humane management of international migration. Christos expressed his optimism that member states could voice their concerns, share best practices, and, importantly, talk about their expectations of IOM.

According to the Head of IOM, Member States, including the Republic of Sierra Leone, have expressed a clear recognition of the integral role that migration plays in achieving their national development priorities.

As they enter this essential moment of reflection, he disclosed that "it is crucial to acknowledge the intricate network of

migration dynamics that define both the historical narrative and present-day realities of Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone finds itself at the intersection of various migration pathways. The phenomenon of internal migration, particularly from rural to urban regions, serves as a stark reminder of the spatial disparities and  economic aspirations that propel individuals and families towards urban hubs, with Freetown emerging as a symbol of hope for those seeking improved prospects".

Sierra Leone's role as a point of origin, transit, and destination, he noted, underscores the multifaceted nature of migration within and beyond its borders, emphasizing that a desire for economic advancement, family reunification, and access to education influences the patterns of emigration. In contrast, irregular migration presents notable hurdles, including instances of human trafficking and smuggling driven by poverty and exploitation.

He continued to affirm that there is also a shared commitment to addressing the challenges of irregular migration through strengthened border management, protection mechanisms, and concerted efforts to combat human

trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

"We in IOM, too, believe that collaboration with governments, the private sector, other international organizations, academia, civil society, and migrant communities is paramount to harnessing our collective wisdom and resources to develop innovative approaches and solutions."

The Director in another development noted that working within the UN system allows IOM to benefit from the expertise of foreign nationals so that they are able to maximize the impact of their interventions as well as contribute to their

collective goals related to realizing sustainable development.

Since formalizing its partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone in 2001, he reiterated that IOM has actively participated in a spectrum of migration management initiatives, encompassing crisis response, climate action, and bolstering healthcare systems. Through endeavors such as community-based disaster risk management, climate resilience projects, and collaborations with diaspora communities, Christos highlighted that IOM Sierra  Leone endeavors to confront the multifaceted challenges of migration while leveraging its potential as a catalyst for sustainable development.

He disclosed that the IOM has prioritized fostering a collaborative and inclusive approach within the Organization and with many partners in Sierra Leone. By actively engaging with the diverse voices of Sierra Leone, he stated that they could better understand and address the unique challenges faced by migrants and the communities they leave behind, transit through, and arrive in. He

emphasized the importance of collaboration with governments, civil society, the private sector, and other UN agencies. He said they could

harness their collective wisdom and resources to develop innovative approaches and solutions that would benefit migrants and their communities.

Touching on the aspect of youth engagement, diaspora partnerships, and civil society involvement he affirmed, are integral to their strategic

approach. By amplifying the voices of those directly affected by migration, the IOM, he assured, ensures that its decisions and actions are informed by their experiences and aspirations.

He craved the indulgence of Ministers, RC, and their esteemed partners that the Country Strategy 2025-2030, which is being deliberated on today would highlight three core objectives aligned with the IOM Global Strategic Plan.

He highlighted the following objectives: Saving Lives and Protecting People on the Move, Driving solutions to displacement, and Facilitating pathways for regular migration and the upcoming UNSDCF.

Explaining their shared values of inclusivity and collaboration, echoing the spirit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact for Migration, he pointed out their deliberations at the auspicious launching ceremony, which must be grounded in the recognition that no individual or community should be left behind.

As he concluded his speech, he implored, "As we deliberate on the strategic priorities outlined for the coming years, let us draw inspiration from

Sierra Leone's rich history and resilient spirit chart a course towards a future where migration is safe, orderly, and beneficial for all as per the ‘leave no one behind’ agenda".

The Presidential Adviser on Youth, Chairman Desmond Pessima was among other dignitaries who attended the IOM Strategic Launching event.

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