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By Hassan Juana Koromain Pujehun

With Support from UNICEF, Officials from the District Health Management Team (DHMT) in Pujehun have launched a comprehensive breastfeeding sensitization campaign in various communities across the district. The campaign aims to educate lactating mothers, pregnant women, and men about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child's life.

Addressing a large gathering of lactating mothers, pregnant women, and men at Blama Pular community in Kpanga Chiefdom, the Pujehun District Nutritionist, Madam Nusratu Coker, emphasized the significance of exclusive breastfeeding. She informed the stakeholders that the DHMT, supported by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and UNICEF, has allocated funds to carry out these engagements in towns and villages throughout the district by taking the radio to the people to say their voices.

Madam Coker stressed the crucial role that breast milk plays in children’s lives and upbringing. She explained that exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months provides essential nutrients, antibodies, and protection against various illnesses. By avoiding the introduction of water or other liquids during this period, mothers can ensure optimal health and development for their infants.

During the campaign, the DHMT aims to actively engage stakeholders, particularly lactating mothers and pregnant women, to increase awareness and encourage positive breastfeeding practices. The goal is to prevent future health complications in children by promoting exclusive breastfeeding.

Francis Kanneh, the District Social Mob Officer of the District Health Management Team in Pujehun, urged the audience, especially lactating mothers, to prioritize exclusive breastfeeding. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between the ministry and the community to achieve overall benefits for all individuals.

In response to the campaign, Hassanatu Fortune, a lactating mother, shared her experiences. She revealed that although she had been breastfeeding her daughter, she faced challenges in receiving support from her husband. She expressed frustration at her husband's lack of attention and understanding. However, after attending the education sessions, she has now stopped giving her child water and is committed to exclusive breastfeeding.

Lahai Feika, a youth leader, shared his perspective and difficulties in encouraging his wife to embrace exclusive breastfeeding. He mentioned jealousy and persistent harassment as obstacles he faced due to the misconception that his body was solely meant for his wife. However, he hopes the ongoing campaign can address and overcome such misunderstandings.

The DHMT's breastfeeding campaign in Pujehun district is a significant step towards promoting the health and well-being of infants and young children. By raising awareness about exclusive breastfeeding and addressing misconceptions within the community, the campaign strives to ensure a healthier future for the district's children.

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