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 Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

In a commendable act of community service, Councillor Hawa Swaray, representing the ruling Sierra Leone People's Party in Pujehun district, has answered the pleading call of Vaawahun village and surrounding areas by donating a crucial hospital delivery bed to the Primary Health Unit (PHU) in Vaawahun Kiamba Section Kpanga Chiefdom. 

The generous donation, officially presented on January 23, 2024, at the Vaawahun PHU, garnered significant attention from Sierra Leone People's Party stakeholders, medical workers, community members, and the press.

Councillor Hawa Swaray, acknowledging the pressing need expressed by the community, highlighted that the donation was a response to the cry for assistance from the people of Vaawahun and neighboring villages.

 She emphasized her commitment as a female Councilor to address the challenges faced by pregnant women who were delivering on the floor due to the absence of a delivery bed at the hospital.

Sister Ella Sawyer, the Pujehun District Health Sister One, expressed gratitude for the donation and described it as a significant development.

She anticipated the new delivery bed would alleviate numerous challenges and urged others to follow Councilor Hawa Swaray's example in contributing to community development.

Christiana Sawaneh, the nurse in charge at the Vaawahun PHU, thanked Councilor Hawa Swaray and expressed her appreciation for the bed's positive impact on their ability to provide quality healthcare. She pledged to ensure the optimal use of the newly acquired facility.

Chief Gitta Samai, the section chief of the Lower Kaiba section, expressed her appreciation and described the donation as a blessing.

She called on the community and healthcare professionals to use the donated bed effectively. Councillor Hawa Swaray's timely and thoughtful response to the community's needs reflects a commitment to public service and a willingness to address critical healthcare challenges in the region.

The donated hospital delivery bed is expected to bring positive changes and improved healthcare outcomes for the residents of Vaawahun and its neighboring areas.


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