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By Mohamed M. Sesay

After the November 26th Security breach to the country’s Military Armory Wilberforce which resulted in gunshots across the city, Sierra Leone’s President Dr. Julius Maada Bio resumed work at State House on Monday morning 27th November 2023, assuring citizens that the situation of insecurities had been put under control.

Whilst on duty at State House, President Julius Maada expressed with zeal and commitment to deliver on his Government’s Big Five Game Changer National Priorities for the overall sustainable economic development growth and development for the nation.

President Bio intimated that the task before his Government and the country at large and urgent to be derailed by those who seek to untruncate the peace and security citizens enjoy.

‘‘I once again restate my commitment to building a peaceful and prosperous Sierra Leone that works for all. I wish you a productive and peaceful week’’, he assured.


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