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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

In a distressing turn of events, the Community of Mosamai in Moyamba District is depressed from the collapse of the DEC Primary School building in Moyamba District.  

The incident has forcefully disrupted the education of countless pupils across seven nearby villages, prompting an impassioned outcry for help.

For over two decades, the school has been a beacon of hope for children within its vicinity, providing accessible education and empowering them with knowledge for a brighter future.

 However, the devastating structural failure of the school has left parents and pupils in disarray. Desperate parents are urgently appealing to the government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private individuals to come forward and lend a helping hand.

With education being the key to unlocking opportunities and improving lives, the absence of a functioning school threatens to hinder the progress and aspirations of the affected children.

The collapse of the school building has left parents deeply concerned about the fate of their children's education. Many pupils are now unable to attend school due to the facility's incapacitation, exacerbating fears of a lost academic year and a widening knowledge gap. Overwhelmed by the sudden disaster, parents and guardians are contacting the relevant authorities for assistance.

 Their impassioned plea for support specifically targets the Inspector of Schools in Moyamba District and the Deputy Director of Education in Moyamba.

These officials are implored to swiftly intervene and collaborate with community leaders, parents, and other stakeholders to address the immediate educational needs of the affected children.

Both governmental and non-governmental organizations are urged to respond urgently, offering financial and logistical assistance to rebuild the school infrastructure. The dedicated efforts of these entities, combined with community involvement, are crucial in swiftly restoring a conducive learning environment for the affected pupils.

Members of the public, driven by empathy and a shared belief in the transformative power of education, are also encouraged to support this cause. With their philanthropic contributions, no matter how big or small, it is possible to rewrite the narrative of this unfortunate incident, ensuring that the children of Mosamai Village and nearby communities regain access to quality education.

As the parents and pupils of DEC Primary School voice their earnest pleas for help, the plight of these young learners stands poised.

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