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By Mohamed M. Sesay

The quietness of an area called Coconut Wharf in York Village in the Western Rural District was rudely and violently disrupted on Saturday, 27th January 2024, by a marauding band of projectile-carrying thugs backed by some biased Police officers who went on the rampage, destroying homes, perimeter fences, and a Block Manufacturing plant in the guise of executing a Court Order on behalf of one George Michael Tucker and others claiming to own 280 Acres of Land.

One victim, Mama Johnson, intimated that George Micheal Tucker, Florence Tucker, and Leon Tucker are the claimants of the 280 acres of land in York.  Madam Johnson said the Unisa Samura is the caretaker for the 280 Acres of land. She furthered that Unisa Samura had been terrorizing legal occupants within the community. Madam Johnson said she has all the legal documentation for the lands she occupies. She added that the person she bought the land from has gone to court and presented all legal documentation regarding the said property.

Led by a man named Unisa Samura, who claims to be the Caretaker of the

Tuckers, the assailants descended on the properties of bonafide owners, unleashing unimaginable mayhem. Some brandishing machetes threatened to

cut the limbs of anyone who dared to challenge them. The white British

husband of one of the affected persons was so terrified that he has since been

treated for hypertension.

The dozens of people being trespassed have vowed to seek all legal

and rightful means to continue securing their lands and structures. One

suspicious action by Tucker and his cohorts was for them to claim to be acting

on a court order never served to the property owners. A source who is closely following the case but asked not to be named said he’s

done some exciting background checks on the so-called Tucker and

some figures wrongly using the name of politics to disadvantage rightful property owners. Our source told us some senior authorities are concerned that some people are using a Law Firm to give a bad image of the Government. We will bring more details as and when necessary.

In his response, Unisa Samura, the 280-acre land caretaker, intimated to AimNet News Paper that the victims in question for the said demolition bought those Lands from the wrong sources who had no connection to the lands. He continued the demolition because of a court order issued by the High Court of Sierra Leone.  He equally affirmed that the lands belong to the Tuckers. Unisa Samura continued that all those crying foul or becoming victims of circumstances were either encroaching on the land and some bought the land. He also affirmed that all they were doing was enforcing the Court Order from the High Court.  

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