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By Morlai Sesay

Sierra Leoneans have voiced their concerns over the rejections of Five-Cent Coins by petty traders and commercial drivers, demanding clarification on the functionality of the Sierra Leone 5-cent coin, commonly called “five blocks.” Many citizens are experiencing difficulties as business establishments, including drivers and merchants, increasingly refuse to accept these coins, asserting that they are impractical for transactions within the country.

In an exclusive interview conducted by the AIMNet Newspaper, citizens shared their frustrations and sought answers from the authorities. Mohamed Charlie, a prominent businessman who sells at Abacha, expressed concern about drivers and their apprentices consistently rejecting the five-cent coins. He, therefore, urged the Bank Governor to explain the significance of these coins and where they are intended to be used in the country.

Another interviewee was Abu Sesay, a businessman who also trades in the central business district of Freetown. Sesay contested the claims made by customers. He argued that customers refuse to accept coins as change, leading to a situation where many business owners, in turn, are reluctant to collect these coins from their patrons.

This growing issue appears to be a two-sided problem, with customers and businesses contributing to the reluctance to accept five-cent coins. As a result, many citizens find themselves grappling with the limited usability of these coins in everyday transactions.

The plea from citizens, especially school-going pupils, highlights the urgency for an official explanation from the Bank Governor; addressing the concerns raised by the public and providing guidance on the appropriate use of the five-cent coins could help alleviate the prevailing confusion and foster a smoother circulation of these coins in the economy.

The situation emphasizes the need for effective communication between monetary authorities and the public to ensure a harmonious currency flow in daily transactions. As the discussions around the functionality of the five-cent coin continue, it remains to be seen how the authorities will respond to the citizens’ demands and work towards resolving the challenges surrounding the acceptance of these coins, especially in business places across the country.

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