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 By Kadijatu Hayles

  The Children and Women Foundation recently hosted a two-day seminar on drug abuse at the Community Centre on Airport Road. Held on January 24th and 25th, 2023, the event aimed to raise awareness about drug abuse, promote mental health, and foster self-empowerment. Boys, girls, young women, and men from across the Port Loko District participated widely in the seminar.

 Drug abuse has become a significant concern for the nation, hindering young people from achieving their life goals. Recognizing this issue as a national concern, the seminar emphasized the urgency for appropriate authorities to take measures to address drug abuse, as it poses a threat to the nation's future workforce.

 The Children and Women Foundation, led by its founder and president, Priscilla Manusu Koroma, organized the seminar. Koroma provided a brief background on the foundation's mission and objectives during the event. The Children and Women Empowerment Foundation (CaWEF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to liberating girls, women, and children, including those with disabilities and the disadvantaged. They aim to achieve empowerment through education, agriculture, and health initiatives, employing awareness campaigns, training programs, and mentorship. CaWEF was established on January 19, 2019, and serves as a platform for advocacy, support, empowerment, motivation, and equipping girls and women from diverse backgrounds.

 Honorable Abdul Kargbo, a Member of Parliament in the Port Loko District and leader of the minority party in Parliament, addressed the seminar attendees. Kargbo condemned the prevalence of drug abuse among young people in the nation and encouraged them to remain focused on becoming better citizens of the country. He pledged his support in combating the misuse of drugs by young people and assured attendees of his commitment to addressing this issue.

 Mariatu Thorlley, a Umar Bil Katab Secondary School student in Kaffubullom Chiefdom, expressed her determination to become an ambassador by sharing what she had learned during the two-day seminar with her schoolmates. Her commitment to spreading awareness about drug abuse and its detrimental effects among her peers showcased the potential impact of the seminar on the younger generation.

 The Children and Women Foundation's seminar on drug abuse in Lungi served as a crucial platform to educate and empower attendees with knowledge and strategies to tackle drug abuse. With the support of community leaders, such as Honorable Abdul Kargbo, and the determination of young individuals like Mariatu Thorlley, there is hope for a future where drug abuse is effectively combated and the well-being of children and women in the community is prioritized.



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