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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

In Bo, a growing concern has emerged regarding the alarming number of child beggars who are being denied access to education. Despite the government's efforts to provide free quality education, families engaged in begging activities have prioritized their economic survival over their children's education, endangering the faith of these young ones.

One such case is Henry Missilie, a 70-year-old man who has been begging on the streets for over seven years. Mr. Missilie explained that the meager income he receives from begging is essential for his family's basic needs. Consequently, he feels compelled to involve his children in this activity, as they can only contribute to their family's income.

Mr. Missilie shared his story of losing his eyesight in Mamboma village, Bumpeh Ngao Chiefdom, Bo district. He expressed that he faces disrespect and receives no financial assistance when he is in the town. Consequently, he has no choice but to travel to larger towns to beg for survival.

The situation is equally distressing for children like Mary Saidu, a class 5 pupil.  Despite her passion for education, Mary's grandfather consistently discourages her from attending school, insisting that she accompany him to the town for begging. Mary's attendance at school is sporadic, and she describes the living conditions at home as unbearable, which only adds to her frustration.

Mary Saidu has now appealed to the government for assistance removing children from the streets and providing them with alternative opportunities. She emphasized that they have no other option but to follow their relatives for begging, resulting in hundreds of children accompanying their family members daily, both during and after school hours.


The situation raises serious concerns about these vulnerable children's welfare and educational prospects. Denying them access to education not only hampers their personal growth but also perpetuates the cycle of poverty and deprives them of a chance to escape their current circumstances.

Therefore, it is imperative for the government, along with relevant stakeholders and organizations, to address this issue urgently. Efforts should be made to develop comprehensive programs to eliminate child begging and provide support systems for needy families. These programs should include financial assistance, vocational training, and social welfare initiatives to ensure that children are not forced into begging and have avenues for education and a better future.

Furthermore, public awareness campaigns can be instrumental in highlighting the negative consequences of child begging and encouraging society to support these vulnerable children. This collective action, combined with government intervention, can create a positive and lasting impact on the lives of these children, safeguarding their faith and offering them a chance to break free from the cycle of poverty.




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