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By Fohad Mbaimba Kallay in Kono.

 The Chiefdom  Football Gala competition has commenced in Kono District to enhance soccer discipline in Kono District. The historical kickoff of the Chiefdom Football Gala competition was organized by the Kono District Football Association (KDFA). The kickoff ceremony took place on Sunday, 18th,2024, and was hosted at Sewafe Town, in the chiefdom headquarters of Nimiyama Chiefdom in Kono District.

The District Council Chairman, Chairman KDFA, and Executives witnessed the grand kick-off ceremony,

Member of Parliament, Councillors, District Youth and Sports Officers, Chiefdom Speaker, Chiefdom authorities, youth, and the media.

  The Chairman of Kono District Football Association, KDFA Abu Bakar Mansaray, expressed his profound gratitude to the local authorities for enhancing the long awaited Chiefdom football gala competition after over a decade.

" Today, we are making another historical fay; after 12 years, the Chiefdom  Football Gala competition stopped playing in the district. Today, in Nimiyama Chiefdom, Sewafe Town is the chiefdom headquarters town in Kono District—the official kick-off of the Chiefdom Football Gala competition for 2024. I am honored and pleased to see this game resurrected after over 12 years," Chairman KDFA Abubakar Mansaray expressed.

He maintained that they decided to bring back the game in the various Chiefdoms in Kono District, and they are confident in the ongoing competition to create positive impacts in the lives of young, talented players for their 14 Chiefdoms in Kono District.

Understanding the importance of the Chiefdom Football Gala competition, he said the competition would serve to scout out young potential players that would eventually represent in the district, national team, and international levels. He said that the competition would also bring unity and peace among sister Chiefdoms in the fourteen Chiefdoms in Kono District and focus on the Development of the district.

" We are talking about Football. Football brings peace, and it is the only game that doesn't know political parties, religion, Region, and tribe," Abu Bakar Mansaray disclosed.

He said that the Chiefdom Football Gala competition is a yearly activity in the district, and they will do their best to keep the game going. He further stressed that the game will help the young, talented players find their way in their Sports.

Considering the financial implications, he disclosed that the Chiefdom Football Gala competition is difficult to organize. He commended the Council of Paramount Chiefs in Kono District District for their steadfast support. They received moral and financial aid to ensure the kick of the competition in the district, which was a historical event after it had been a while and the long-awaited dream of the Kono people had materialized.

" You can now see the simile on the faces of the people; they are so excited to bring back the game to them," he said.

The  Kono District Football Association (KDFA) Abu Bakar Mansaray said that 27 matches, home and away, would be played among the 14 teams representing the 14 Chiefdoms respectively. He further thanked the various Paramount Chiefs in the 14  Chiefdoms of Kono District, adding that he also applauded the District Council Chairman and others for their maximum support in ensuring the success of the Chiefdom Football Gala competition 2024.

The District Council Chairman,  Augustine Sahr Sheku, expressed his heartfelt delight to the Chairman of Kono District Football Association, KDFA Abu Bakar Mansaray, for presiding over the official kick-off. He said that he was taken by the Chairman KDFA for tremendous efforts ensuring the game came back to life after a long time.

" Whenever you are electing or appointing leaders, don't appoint them out of emotion but for him or their capacity, that will bring positive change and can convince others to bring people together for the goal of all interest. So on this note, I  want to commend the Chairman Kono District Football Association KDFA Abu Bakar Mansaray, for his outstanding leadership since he took office," he said.

He commended the Chairman and Executive for bringing back the Chiefdom Football Gala competition for decades. " If we need this kind of competition, is now we need it most, and this is the appropriate time because it speaks value because it goes with Bio's National agenda for human capital Development," he noted.

Chairman Kono District Council, Augustine Sahr Sheku, disclosed some advantages of the Chiefdom Football Gala competition for the district and the country. For the merits, he said, the game will help source out young, talented players to represent both National and international soccer leagues, which would bring more glory to the district.

He further stated that the Chiefdom Football Gala competition will also urge stakeholders to invest in Football and bring peace among the people in the district.

" Football is an instrument that brings unity among people, and it is cut across political lines, tribe, and Region as Football doesn't have political colour.

The kind excitement the Chiefdom Football Gala competition has taken and by the of this competition Football fever will catch KONO. As Council, we will give full support to the Chairman KDFA," he maintained.

Chairman Augustine Sahr Sheku made it known that plans are on the way to create a Sporting farm, which would serve as a gateway for investors and create jobs for young people as a payback to the district.

He assured the Chairman Kono District Football Association (KDFA)  Abu Bakar Mansaray and the team of his continuing support, ensuring the Football game gains more attention in the district.

Augusta Bockarie, the District Youth and Sports Officer in Kono District, expressed her heartfelt appreciation to the leadership of KDFA for their drive to colorfully organize one of the District's best Chiefdom Football Gala competitions. She pledged her support for the forbearance of football games in the district for KDFA to achieve their primary aim and objectives for football to lose glory again.

She called on her fellow young people in Kono District to embrace peace and focus on the Development of the district.

Honorable SK Momodu of the ruling Sierra Leone People's Party SLPP upper Sandor also thanked the Chairman KDFA for ensuring the Chiefdom Football Gala competition returned to life after a very long time.

" Through this competition, drug intake will be curtailed by young people because FIFA is strong against it," he said. The honorable SK Momodu reaffirmed his support for the Kono District Football Association (KDFA).


Some of the local authorities and football fans expressed joyful moments for the laudable venture taken by the leadership of KDFA to bring the chiefdom authorities and the youth into their various chiefdoms. The official kick-off ceremony was between Sandor FC and the host Nimiyama FC.

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