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 A local and handmade bridge over the Matugbe River in Gumahun Faama Village, Badjia Chiefdom, Bo District, Southern Province, in the Republic of Sierra Leone, has hindered access to education due to its terrible state.

The said bridge's current state has become so deadly that the village's inhabitants no longer use it because it is made of ‘cain’ sticks tied to a big tree. The people, including school children, have been using this over the years through constant repair using locally produced materials.

During AimNet News interaction with some community stakeholders, it was revealed that many lives and properties had been destroyed over the years because of the lack of a standard bridge.  A situation they all described as appalling and unfair on their side.

“Since creation, our ancestors started using this archaic bridge. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Modernization is rapidly sweeping the globe, but our community has refused to accept that simply because of this bridge. Government in and out and their officials, coupled with other humanitarian organizations, have all promised and failed us to end this menace”.

“Some authorities are only seeing during electioneering periods with sugar-coated vibes. The amount of promises we have been getting from stakeholders of this country for the construction of a standard bridge is enough to construct this entire road leading to Bo City. On behalf of everyone, I want the entire world to know that we’re tired of their fake and unfulfilled promises. If they are not ready to help us deal with this problem, they should not think of coming here again to give us false hope. The construction of this bridge is our Felt Need for now”, cried Chief Abdulai Sellu, town chief of Gumahun Faama Village.

Speaking to the Headmaster of RC Primary School, Mr. Yankuba Mansaray, explained to this medium that the bridge serves more than two villages, all of which come from across the river. He informed me that several pupils have lost their lives in their quest to access quality education over the years. There are also perpetually missing classes during the rainy season when a heavy downpour of rain typically leads to flooding.

"Over the years, we've cases of drowning kids, adults, and even valuable properties. The school is gradually losing its grip due to the deplorable condition of this one obstacle, the bridge. Authorities of this Chiefdom, and the affected villages in particular, have tried all they can to make things work out but to no avail."

"They have explained the situation to almost every Bo District Council serving chairman to come to their aid, but every effort has proven fruitless. We've made this known to every serving councilor for this Ward (0297) and members of Parliament representing this Constituency (083), but nothing seems to be working out. The people of these villages, especially the children, feel abandoned and neglected because their activities are always interrupted during the rainy seasons ", Mr Mansaray cried.

The women's leader of one of the villages(Gunahun), madam Isata Lamin, pleaded with authorities and other humanitarian organizations to help them construct that outdated and archaic bridge that has debarred the progress and development of their various communities.

"We have lost our babies and women in labor while taking them to better health care centers in our quest for adequate treatment. 98% of the inhabitants solely depend on agricultural activities. But we find it difficult to get these products to markets while they're still fresh. The women's leader complained that some do not even reach the markets because they perish while reaching there".

Everyone within the localities pleaded with the authorities of Sierra Leone through the Bo District Council to find a way to remedy the situation.

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