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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

It is no secret that the three-year-old Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) Hospital located in Kalu Town, Yaa Kemoh-Kpukumu Krim Chiefdom, in Pujehun District, has been flooded by bats and reptiles, rendering it unfit for human habitation. The dire state of the hospital has created significant challenges for pregnant women and lactating mothers, who now find it extremely difficult to visit the facility.

Expressing his frustration over the deplorable condition of the hospital, the Executive Director of Health Alert, Victor Lansana Koroma, who recently paid a visit to the facility, demanded swift government intervention to address the alarming situation at the hospital.

Despite its favorable location, the hospital fails to serve its intended purpose due to a lack of basic amenities. There is no proper electricity supply, staff quarters, running water facility, or patient accommodation, among other challenges.

 These deficiencies have severely compromised the hospital's ability to provide adequate healthcare services to the community.

Critics have gone as far as describing the BADEA hospital as a white elephant project. They point out that the contractor responsible for its construction did not complete the work, and the government's promise to equip the hospital with modern electronic machines remains unfulfilled. Furthermore, the absence of a functioning referral hospital after three years and the failure to employ staff has become a source of disgrace for the people of Wanjama.

The central government has yet to provide a clear explanation for the deteriorating condition of the hospital. As the situation worsens, the community and healthcare professionals eagerly await a response and intervention from the government to salvage the hospital and restore hope to the people who rely on it for medical care.

The plight of BADEA Hospital is a stark reminder of the district's pressing need for improved infrastructure and healthcare services. The government’s timely intervention is crucial to rectify the situation and ensure that the hospital fulfills its intended purpose as a vital healthcare facility for the community.


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