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By Mohamed M. Sesay

At the open debate of the Middle East at the United Nations Security Council, Chief Minister Dr. David Sengeh made a fervent call for an instantaneous Humanitarian Ceasefire in the Middle East, especially in Gaza.

During his debate, Chief Minister Sengeh said the “Situation in the Middle East Palestine Question” continues to be a long-standing issue on the agenda of this Council. The recent escalation since 7 October 2023 indicates that a definitive solution is required as a matter of extreme urgency.  He said the situation continues to have far-reaching implications for regional stability, global peace, and security.


He said the protracted conflict in the Middle East must be analyzed in the context of the continuing occupation by Israel of the Palestinian territories. He called for a consensus to  be vigorously and persistently pursued based on a just, mutually acceptable solution, consistent with international law and the relevant UN resolutions

Dr. David Sengeh continued that on the current escalation, Sierra Leone continues to express in the strongest terms its condemnation of the heinous attack on the 7th of October 2023 on Israeli civilians by Hamas which, according to OCHA, led to the killing of over 1,200 Israelis and Foreign nationals, including 36 children, with reported perpetuation of sexual violence, and the taking of civilian hostages. On this note, we emphasize that the persons responsible must be held accountable. Sierra Leone calls for the release of all hostages, immediately and without conditions.


He stressed that Sierra Leone is gravely concerned about the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip over the past 100 days. He added that Violence had led to the death of over 25,000 Palestinian civilians and the displacement of 1.9 million more, with women and children being the most affected.  Expressed that Sierra Leone deeply regrets the unacceptable human cost. He reiterated that Sierra Leone regrets the ultimate cost being paid by healthcare workers, the UN, other humanitarian workers, and journalists.


‘’ We express our deepest condolences to the families of the 148 UN personnel, who have lost their lives in the course of their duty,142 of which are UNWRA staff,’’ he said.


Chief Minister Sengeh expressed that Sierra Leone acknowledges the engagement of the Security Council since the start of the conflict and the significant efforts made in adopting resolutions 2712 (2023) and 2720 (2023). These resolutions, he said  reaffirm the need for parties to the conflict to adhere to their obligations under international law and ensure the protection of all civilians, in particular children.


In between the adoption of resolutions 2712 and 2720,  he said the Secretary-General invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter, last invoked over 50 years ago, warning the Security Council of an impending “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza, and called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.


Although the Council fell short of demanding a ceasefire,  he said Sierra Leone welcomes the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Resolution 2712 as mandated in Resolution 2720. The report informs of the appointment of Ms. Sigrid Kaag, Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza; and alsooutlining some of the progress made in curtailing the existing humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip. We welcome Ms. Kaag’s appointment, and Sierra Leone looks forward to engaging her in the near future.

For the many civilian lives lost, at risk, or in serious discomfort, Chief Minister Sengeh said Sierra Leone calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. ‘’This will guarantee the safety of all civilians, protect civilian objects, and allow for the flow of unimpeded humanitarian assistance to those in need. Securing a full and comprehensive ceasefire is the minimum required for any humanitarian operation to be effective in the Gaza Strip’’.


‘’ Before I close, and in addition to calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, Sierra Leone wishes to make the following critical observations: First, Sierra Leone expresses deep concern that the continuing military operation of Israel has been followed by rhetoric of forcible displacement of Palestinians by Israeli political actors. In this regard, Sierra Leone condemns the rhetoric and rejects any attempt to remove Palestinians from the Gaza strip or the West Bank either temporarily or permanently,’’ he said.


He said  Sierra Leone calls for accountability for all those responsible for violations of international law, particularly international humanitarian law and crimes of serious concern to the international community.


The Chief Minister also expressed concern about rising tensions in the West Bank, across the Blue Line in Lebanon, the Red Sea, including Yemen, and other parts of the region. Sierra Leone calls on the relevant parties to desist from embarking on any action that will further endanger the lives of civilians, escalate regional tensions, and threaten global peace and security.


‘’In conclusion, Sierra Leone emphasizes the need to continue exploring all diplomatic and political avenues geared toward finding a just and lasting solution to this conflict, based on the “two-state solution,” with Israel and Palestine living together side by side in peace, security, and stability’’, he concluded.



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