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By Morlai Sesay

In a landmark weekly news conference held at the New Brookfields  Hotel on Tuesday, the 6th of February 2024, the Main Opposition  All People’s Congress Party (APC) and the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), in the presence of the United Nations Residence Coordinator Seraphine Wakana, has signed the Cross-Party Committee Agreement on Electoral System and Management Bodies Review. Dr. Kaifala Marah represented the All-People’s Congress Party, and Dr. Emmanuel Gaima represented the Government of Sierra Leone.

Dr. Gaima, who doubled as the Co-Chair at the Tripartite Committee,  emphatically stated that the outcome of the Tripartite Committee does not have the mandate to call for the June 24th, 2023 election re-run in Sierra Leone. Noting the relevance of the Tripartite Committee, he addressed critical resolutions outlined in the agreement for national unity and the amendments of the prolonged flaws as regards the outcome of election results in Sierra Leone since time immemorial.

He emphasized, “The agreement for national unity has eight resolutions, but we in the Elections Review and Management Committee are only concerned about resolution 3, which is to review contentious issues in the 2023 elections & previous elections in Sierra Leone.” Dr. Gaima underscored the significance of Resolution 3, which focuses on reviewing contentious issues that arose during the 2023 elections and previous electoral processes.

Emphasizing the role of the Elections Review and Management Committee, Dr. Gaima clarified that their primary focus is on Resolution 3, which mandates the review of contentious electoral matters. He stressed that the committee’s objective is to review the issues thoroughly and not to advocate for or initiate a rerun of the elections.

Dr. Gaima’s statements came amidst ongoing efforts by the government of Sierra Leone to address concerns and grievances related to past electoral processes, particularly the 2023 elections. The country has experienced political tensions and disputes after the polls, prompting calls for transparent reviews and reforms to uphold democratic principles and ensure fair and credible future elections.

 While acknowledging the significance of addressing electoral concerns, Dr. Gaima reaffirmed the government’s commitment to upholding democratic values and fostering national unity. He stressed the importance of constructive dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders in the electoral review process to identify and rectify any irregularities or issues that may have undermined the integrity of past elections.

Dr. Gaima’s clarification regarding the scope of the Elections Review and Management Committee’s mandate seeks to alleviate any misconceptions or misinterpretations regarding the committee’s role in addressing electoral disputes. He stated, “For now, we are only doing a review. We do not have the mandate to request a re-run of Elections.” Focusing on Resolution 3, the committee aims to comprehensively examine contentious issues, paving the way for informed recommendations and potential reforms to enhance the electoral process.

On her part, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Seraphine Wakana, congratulated the President and the Electoral Review Committee on adopting the rules that govern the implementation of the Tripartite Committee. She explained that the United Nations looks forward to its engagement with all stakeholders and its concrete proposals to enhance subsequent election integrity by ensuring every voice counts in Sierra Leone.

She affirms the United Nations' zest for ensuring the country's peace and stability and its readiness to do what is necessary to control political tension.

She ended by calling on all Sierra Leoneans to maintain the peace and avoid compromising the implementation of what is contained in the Tripartite Committee. With peace, she stated that the Committee would be able to do their work justly for the interest of every Sierra Leonean. She reiterated that Sierra Leoneans must engage in meaningful deliberations, respect diverse viewpoints, and work collectively towards national priorities, serving as the ultimate objective for positive change in the country.

 As a representative of the All People Congress Party, Dr. Keifala Marrah on the other hand, maintained that the mandate of the committee is to examine the electoral systems, structures, and processes of the 2023 multi-tier electoral cycle. He noted that the Committee set up would make amendments to previous electoral flaws that have been undermining the nation's democracy but that their primary focus is based on the outcome of the recently concluded general elections.

Whether there would be a re-run-in case the Committee finds out that what the main opposition party is complaining about is true, Marrah's response was in the affirmative. However, he urged all members of the party not to preempt the outcome of the Tripartite Committee and that everyone must allow the stakeholders of the Committee and the International body to do their work judiciously and eventually recommend what would be in the greatest interest of the party and the people of Sierra Leone after the process.

Marrah ended by urging the Electoral Commission to present the data so that they could do justice to it so that democracy would prevail in the country. "We have always aspired to see the result firsthand. If the electoral commission has nothing to hide, let them make the data available. That is why the country signed an act that has to do with access to information. That act, I believe, gives Sierra Leoneans the privilege to access any information deemed crucial regarding the country’s development", he urged.

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