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By Hassan Juana Koroma

In a remarkable show of philanthropy coinciding with the observance of the Islamic feast of Eid ul Fitr, Ambassador Omrie Golley, a prominent member of the All People's Congress and former Ambassador to the Republic of Korea has extended a compassionate hand to the people of Kombema Town in the Yaa Kemoh Kpukumu Krim Chiefdom, Pujehun District, On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, The donation includes mattresses, clothing, footwear, rice, oil, and onions

Presenting the items on behalf of Ambassador Golley  Sheku Tarawally said the fire, which occurred on Thursday, April 4, 2024, during the Holy Month of Ramadan, left numerous individuals, including women and children, without shelter, clothing, and sustenance. Recognizing the urgent need to alleviate their suffering of the people as an act of generosity in response to a recent fire incident that ravaged over twelve houses in the remote community whose personal belongings were entirely destroyed by the devastating fire. The generous gesture was met with rapturous cries of gratitude and praise from the recipients.

Chief Momoh, the town chief of Kombema, expressed his heartfelt appreciation on behalf of the community, stating that Ambassador Omrie Golley was the first to respond to their pleas for help and come to their aid. The chief conveyed his profound thanks and gratitude to Ambassador Golley for the invaluable support extended to them during their time of need.

Speaking on behalf of the women of Kombema, the town's Mamy Queen, Massah Konneh, emphasized the significance of the donated items in alleviating the suffering endured by the women affected by the fire incident. She revealed that since the incident occurred approximately a week ago, some of the village women had been forced to sleep in the open. Mamy Queen Konneh expressed her sincere appreciation to Ambassador Golley for providing mattresses, clothing, and food supplies to all households affected by the fire. She acknowledged that these provisions would greatly mitigate the adverse effects of the calamity.

The donation made by Ambassador Omrie Golley received a warm and enthusiastic reception from the entire community of Kombema village. The representatives of Ambassador Golley were warmly welcomed, and the villagers extended gracious courtesies to express their gratitude.

Ambassador Omrie Golley's philanthropic gesture serves as a testament to his commitment to the well-being and welfare of the people he serves. The timely provision of household supplies and food items will undoubtedly provide much-needed relief to the fire victims, enabling them to rebuild their lives and restore a sense of normalcy in the aftermath of this tragic event.


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