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Hon. Amb. Pessima in action for a kick-off that signifies commencement of the opening match.

By Mohamed M. Sesay (Lucky)

  In her quest to promote Female Football across the North-West Region, the newly decorated Ambassador for Female Football across the North-West Region, who also doubles as Honourable for Port Loko District Hon. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima, over the weekend, distributed NLE 10,000 each to twelve participating teams in the ongoing Hon. Ambassador Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima maiden Female Football Tournament in the North-West Region. Hon. Amb. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima, in total, distributed the sum of NLE 120,000 as seed money to enhance each to participate in the tournament smoothly. The celebrated Hon. Member of Parliament also distributed Valentine's gifts to all the twelve participating teams.

  • Bamoi Luma Queens in action with Katara Ladies .

The momentous opening ceremony of Hon. Amb. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima Female Tournament brought together all political party leaders in the region as both SLPP and APC members of Parliament, including the Mayor of Port Loko City, were in attendance to grace the occasion.

In her address, Hon. Amb. Recheal Mariatu Sesay  Pessima intimated that the competition aimed to strengthen the Female Football Competition in the North-West Region. She added that the competition is geared towards promoting the skill of talented women in the sport and fostering everlasting peace across the region.  Amb. Pessima also admonished the mammoth gathering that her quest to promote youth-related activities, especially football, aligns with President Julius Maada Bio’s commitment to providing all youths with the opportunity to demonstrate their talents, of which football is one.

  • Hon. Amb. Pessima, the Mayor of Port Loko City among other stakeholders in the region spectating the match.

She also expressed that they, as the region's stakeholders, should work together to see that some of those female players represent the Country’s female national team, which would bring pride to the region and the country at large.

‘My vision is to promote female football in the country. We all know that our male counterparts mainly dominate the game. So, I want to encourage women to have love and passion for the game. My aim also for supporting female football is to see Sierra Leone Female Teams compete internationally and bring in laurels for the nation’’, she said. 

In his statement, the Vice President II of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA), who also doubles as the sitting Mayor for Port Loko City, Alieu  Badara Tarawally, lavished praises on Hon. Amb. Pessima for undertaking such a laudable venture of promoting Female Football in the Region.

  • Hon. Amb. Pessima sandwiched by the Regional Chairman on the left Abdul O. Turay, and the Regional Secretary General on the right Mohamed Speaking Kamara.

The Major of Port Loko City added that Hon.  Pessima is replicating the role of President Julius Maada Bio in the region as a similar competition was once organised in Port Loko. He said it was not surprising to see Hon. Amb. Pessima's long-nursed passion for organising such events for the region. He affirmed that local football had rapidly grown due to the passion and dedication of President Bio to elevate football in the country.

On his part, the Chairman of the North-West Football Association, Abdul Osman Turay, fondly called (A.O.T), also lavished marathon praises on Hon. Amb. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima for her passionate vision of promoting football in the North-West Region. He referenced that not too long ago, Hon.  Amb. Pessima, through the Port Loko District Football Association, successfully ended the Hon. Racheal Mariatu Sesay Pessima NLE 50,000 Inter-Chiefdoms Unity Trophy for all the thirteen chiefdoms across Port Loko District. He described Hon. Amb. Pessima as a lover of football and the true people’s representative. He added that Hon. Ambassador Pessima's intervention in the region's football sector had complimented the work of the district and regional football association stakeholders.

During the opening ceremony, awards were given to various people, including the best player of the match, as the captain of Bamoi Queens bagged that award. Ten Thousand Leone was given to each of the twelve participating teams as a boost to undertaking some financial activities in the competition.  The event climaxed with an outstanding and memorable musical performance with one of Sierra Leone’s most celebrated and dominant female artists in the person of Star Zee.

  • Star Zee performing in Kambia-Bamoi Luma Field just after the opening ceremony match.

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