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Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

Alex Fissan, who was recently appointed as the focal person for the rice cluster project at the Ministry of Agriculture, has pledged to fully implement President Dr Julius Maada Bio's Feed ‘Salone’  initiative. Fissan aims to harness the natural endowment of fertile soil in the respective districts to maximize rice production, with the objective of ensuring food self-sufficiency not only for the people of Pujehun and Bonthe Districts but for the entire country.


Director Fissan expressed his determination to utilize the God-given resources effectively and purposefully, highlighting the abundance of fertile soil available for rice cultivation. He stressed the importance of optimizing these resources to their fullest potential, emphasizing that this would contribute significantly to the project's success.

During a recent interview, Fissan reiterated his commitment to the implementation of the project, stating that the Pujehun and Bonthe Districts would regain their former status as rice exporters. He reminisced about Sierra Leone's prosperous past in the 1980s when the country exported rice and other commodities to neighbouring nations. With his newfound responsibility, Fissan is determined to restore the nation's former glory with the support of his superiors and the farmers' federation.

Alex Fissan appealed to the National Federation of Farmers to wholeheartedly cooperate in realizing President Bio's Feed Saloon Drive initiative. He emphasized that the project's success hinges on farmers' active participation and collaboration across the country. Recognizing the crucial role played by farmers in achieving food security, Fissan acknowledged that without their dedication and support, the project's objectives would be difficult to attain. The rice cluster project, under the leadership of Fissan, aims to revitalize rice production in Sierra Leone by implementing sustainable agricultural practices and providing necessary support to farmers. As Fissan assumes his new role, there is renewed hope among the farming communities in Sierra Leone.

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