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 Hassan Juana Koroma in Pujehun

To reinforce its commitment to combating corruption in Sierra Leone, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy Secretariat recently concluded a day-long stakeholders' engagement on the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and its five-year strategic plan for 2024-2028.

 The event allowed participants to voice their opinions and contribute to shaping the commission's future.


Addressing the attendees, Nabilai Musa Kamara, the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy Secretariat, emphasized the commission's dedication to fulfilling its mandate under the United Nations Convention against Corruption, to which Sierra Leone is a signatory.

The convention stipulates that the commission should engage the public every five years to discuss their expectations and aspirations for the commission's future endeavors.

Madam Koloneh Sankoh, a member of the team of experts, expressed her appreciation for the impressive turnout at the event. She highlighted that the fight against corruption is not solely the responsibility of the Anti-Corruption Commission; instead, it requires collective efforts from all stakeholders. In line with this perspective, the commission has embarked on a nationwide consultative meeting to engage diverse stakeholders in the fight against corruption.

One of the stakeholders, Kakpama Lansana from the Legal Aid Board, commended the Anti-Corruption Commission for organizing the engagement and pleaded to continue their commendable work.

 He acknowledged the significance of collaboration between the commission and other relevant institutions in ensuring a corruption-free society.

During the stakeholders' engagement, participants actively shared their views, ideas, and recommendations on how the National Anti-Corruption Strategy Secretariat should operate in the coming years.

 Taking these valuable inputs into account, the commission aims to strengthen its strategies, policies, and programs to combat corruption more effectively and promote transparency, integrity, and accountability in Sierra Leone.


The event concluded with a renewed commitment from all stakeholders to work together to eradicate corruption at all levels of society.

The National Anti-Corruption Strategy Secretariat thanked the participants for their active involvement and assured them that their inputs would be thoroughly considered and integrated into the commission's plans.

With the successful conclusion of this stakeholders' engagement, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy Secretariat is poised to embark on a transformative journey, guided by the aspirations and expectations of the Sierra Leonean public, to build a more transparent and accountable nation free from the scourge of corruption.

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