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By Mohamed M. Sesay

At the Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa hosted by the International

Energy Agency UNESCO headquarters, Paris, France, President Julius Maada Bio made a global call to make 2024 a turning point for clean cooking in Africa, adding that 900 million Africans lack access to cleaning cooking fuel.

In his statement, President Julius Maada Bio said it gave him great pleasure to participate in this historic, first-ever global Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa. He expressed that he was particularly heartened that his  dear sister, President

Samia Hassan is cochairing this Summit alongside three distinguished individuals: Prime Minister Store, Dr. Adesina, and Dr. Birol, whose leadership and commitment to this cause are truly commendable.

President Bio commended the International Energy Agency (IEA) and

the African Development Bank Group for convening the Summit. He intimated that the urgency of their task is underscored by the IEA's analysis, which reveals that nearly one in five Africans still cook their meals over open fires and traditional stoves.

President Bio disclosed that 900 million Africans lack access to clean cooking

fuels, a number projected to increase by 2030 if they do not act swiftly and decisively.

Regrettably, he said their past experiences had revealed a disheartening truth ─ Clean Cooking, a matter of utmost importance, is often overlooked in their energy access and electrification planning processes in their countries.

He affirmed that the Summit was a call to action to prioritize this crucial issue for their people and planet's betterment.

President Bio continued that the absence of access to clean cooking solutions significantly affects Sierra Leone's economy, with estimated annual costs of

inaction totaling US$4.7 billion. He said these costs stem from adverse impacts on various fronts: women's lost productivity (US$1.4 billion), health (US$3.2

billion), and climate change impacts (US$0.2 billion).

“My Government recognises the importance of access to clean cooking and is committed to taking bold steps 9 9 because it is the right thing to do for our people. We have mainstreamed clean cooking in our energy planning

processes, and I am pleased to inform this August Body that in the third quarter of this year, we will finalize the following key policy instruments and initiatives to address clean cooking issues: With the support of Sustainable Energy for All, we will complete a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition Plan or Green Growth Plan, which includes access to clean cooking as a major pillar. With the support of the World Bank, a Clean Cooking Strategy and Action Plan will be completed by June. - With the support of the Clean Cooking Alliance, we are

establishing the Clean Cooking Delivery Unit embedded within the Presidential Initiative on Climate Change, Renewable Energy, and Food Security.

 - We are establishing a Climate Finance and Energy Innovation Hub, which the OPEC Fund for International Development will sponsor. - Furthermore, with the support of the University of Loughborough and the Modern Energy Cooking

Services (MECS), we will commence a techno-economic study and readiness assessment for electric cooking in urban areas, similar to work done in Uganda, Kenya, and Mozambique”, he said.

President Bio acknowledged the commitment and leadership of his fellow African leaders.  He said several nations across the continent are taking bold steps toward clean cooking, setting ambitious targets, and working with the Clean Cooking Alliance to establish delivery units and enable more carbon finance and private sector investments in the sector.

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