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27 Military Officers are to be arraigned on Wednesday, 10th January 2024, before a Court-martial presided over by the Judge Advocate, Marke Ngegba, and seven Court Members who are Military Officers.

The accused persons are before the court to answer 88 count charges, including Mutiny, Aiding the Enemy, Failure to suppress a Mutiny, Committing a Civilian Offence, and Stealing of Public or Service Property, among others, in respect of their alleged involvement in the failed Coup attempt of November 26, 2023.

In preparation for the trial on Wednesday, a pre-trial hearing was conducted, and directions were given to both the Prosecution and the Defence.

The State is represented by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Osman Kanu, and a battery of lawyers from the Law Officers’ Department and the Military. At the same time, all accused persons are also represented by their respective lawyers.

Representing the 17th accused, Lawyer Julian Cole raised an objection pursuant to Section 89 of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone Act 1961 as amended, which he argued: “provides for the accused persons be granted the opportunity to object against any member of the court before the oath is administered to them.”

He emphasized that the defense is interested in the “well-being of the proceedings,” which calls for “due process” to be followed.

 Representing the 9th accused person and over 15 other accused persons, Lawyer I. Bangura informed the court that the 9th accused person is suffering from epilepsy.

In replying, Lawyer Joseph A. K. Sesay for the State objected to the point raised by the defense for the 9th accused and urged the court to discount the application of Lawyer Bangura.

 The Judge Advocate, Mark Ngegba, dismissed the objection without any medical evidence/report before the court regarding the medical condition of the 9th accused.

He used the occasion to caution members of the press, social media bloggers, and lawyers to be mindful of the sacredness of the court and the proceedings, stressing that he would not hesitate to take action against anyone who goes against the laws that cover court proceedings.

The matter was adjourned to Wednesday, 10th January, for arraignment and further proceedings.

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