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By Morlai Sesay

Ishmeal Conteh, an Art Graphic Designer, was sent to prison on Monday, 5th February 2024, by Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No, for the alleged murder of Ishmeal Marobia.

The accused, Ishmael Conteh, was arraigned before the court on one count charges of murder contrary to section 1 of the Offenses Against the Persons Act 1861 as repealed and replaced by section 1(a) of the schedule of the abolition of the Death Penalty Act 2022, act No 6 of 2022.

According to the indictments, the accused, on Wednesday, 27th December 2023, at Upper George Brook Dwarzack Freetown, murdered Ishmael Merobia

The prosecution witness, No. 1 Deema Kamara, who was led in evidence by Inspector Sellu TAP, said she is a teacher and a businesswoman.

She said she knew the deceased as her brother's child and recognized the accused in this matter.

On 27th December 2023, the witness said she was at home together with the deceased, and she left the deceased to go and do her business.

'' I  later returned in the evening hours but did not meet the deceased at home, and I waited for a while but could not see him; I then called someone from our church to know whether he was there but to no avail,'' the witness explained.

 The witness said they went in search of the deceased at the Dwarzack community, and she asked some of the community members about him and was told he came by that area.

She said the next day, she went back to the community in search of the deceased but said she could not find him, and after that, she went to the New England Vill police station and reported the matter.

At this juncture, the matter was adjourned to February 13, 2024, to continue the witness evidence while the accused was remanded in prison.

Police Inspector Sellu TAP is prosecuting the matter in court, but no legal representation was made on behalf of the accused.

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